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On Friday 23rd June MJH Multi NSW had great pleasure in attending the Ronald McDonald House, at Westmead Children’s Hospital, to participate in ‘MEALS FROM THE HEART’.

Meals from the Heart is an opportunity for corporate organisations to attend the RMH and cook for the families who are currently living at the house whilst their children are at the hospital. The majority of these families are from regional areas, which is why the house is so important to them.

11 members of the team attended the house and cooked for a large number of families who are currently living away from their homes. And all member's showed off their culinary skills;  from Elif’s fancy carrots and sweet potato to Jared’s sizzling steaks, Dimitri & Brendan’s gourmet pizzas, and last but not least, Andy’s impressive house-hold washing-up skills.


At MJH Multi, we are passionate about helping deliver the highest quality in every project through integrity, partnership and trust.

We are dedicated to achieving our clients’ ambitions through utilising our world-class construction management systems, combined with our love for providing our clients with expertise and advice.

Our commitment to the smooth and efficient delivery of every build is backed by our organistations ethos to be driven by energy, passion and knowledge.

Ben Mathers

General Manager, NSW, MJH Multi

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